Product Details for Material from Wurth Elektronik - 234016003 - SUB-D, FILTER, 25-WAY

234016003 Wurth Elektronik SUB-D, FILTER, 25-WAY

Part Nnumber
Wurth Elektronik
Basic price
37,96 EUR

The product with part number 234016003 (SUB-D, FILTER, 25-WAY) is from company Wurth Elektronik and distributed with basic unit price 37,96 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Accessory TypeAdapter Product Details SUB-D Filter Adapters SUB-D filter adapters contain capacitors carrying 1000 pF per pin, and are a fast and effective way to filter interfaces. The inner and outer UNC 4//40 thread bolts (impossible to lose) are included in the delivery. Dimensions (mm) Polesnumber design A B1 C D E B2 9 Pin / socket 31.1 16.79 25 8.23 12.6 16.46 15 Pin / socket 39.4 25.12 33.3 8.23 12.6 24.79 25 Pin / socket 53.1 38.84 47 8.23 12.6 38.5 D Plug Connectors with Filter

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